I am currently a PhD student in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics working in the Aerospace Controls Lab with Professor Jonathan How. I got my SM degree from MIT in 2023 and my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Iowa in 2021.
My research seeks to improve safety in robotics applications by studying the intersection of deep learning and control theory. Specifically, I am exploring the use of reachability analysis for certification and synthesis of closed-loop systems that use learned components for perception and/or control. The goal of my work is to develop autonomous systems capable of operating safely in uncertain and dynamic environments, such as those shared with humans or other autonomous agents.
Prior to my arrival at MIT, I studied both geometric and adaptive control with Professor Venanzio Cichella in the University of Iowa’s Cooperative Autonomous Systems Lab. I also spent a summer working on applied robotics with Dr. Patrick Walters at the Naval Surface Warefare Center Panama City Division.
Neural Feedback Loop Verification
Forward Reachability for Uncertain Systems
Control of Underwater Vehicles
Outside of research, I’m also a fellow in the AeroAstro Communications Lab. As a CommLab fellow, I help develop online resources and work with peers in one-on-one coaching sessions to help build technical communication skills within our department.
Recent News
- May 2024: I presented our paper Online Data-Driven Safety Certification for Systems Subject to Unknown Disturbances at ICRA in Yokohama, Japan.
- December 2023: Our paper Backward Reachability Analysis for Neural Feedback Loops was awarded the 2023 IEEE Aerospace Controls Technical Committee Outstanding Student Paper Prize.
- May 2023: I finished my Masters degree in MIT AeroAstro with the submission of my thesis “BReach-LP: a Framework for Backward Reachability Analysis of Neural Feedback Loops”.
- April 2023: Our journal paper Backward Reachability Analysis of Neural Feedback Loops: Techniques for Linear and Nonlinear Systems was accepted to the IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems.